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本节书摘来自华章出版社《R的极客理想—工具篇》一 书中的第1章,第1.3节,作者:张丹,更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“华章计算机”公众号查看。
如何才能更深入地了解R, 它的起源、成长、经历是怎样的?引言
Linux: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS 64bitR: 3.0.1 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
注 fortunes同时支持Windows 7环境和Linux环境。
Fortunes的安装过程如下。~ R # 启动R程序> install.packages("fortunes") # 安装fortunes包> library(fortunes) # 加载fortunes包> ?fortunes #查看帮助1.3.3 fortunes包的使用fortunes包的使用非常简单,只有一个函数fortune()。> fortune() # 随机查看一条语录Barry Rowlingson: Your grid above has 8*6 = 42 points.(That was a subtle Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy reference there, honest, andnot a stupid dumb multiplication mistake on my part after working four 18-hourdays on the trot...)Peter Dalgaard: [...] Don't panic, just throw yourself at the ground and miss. -- Barry Rowlingson and Peter Dalgaard R-help (March 2004)> fortune(108) # 指定查看一条语录Actually, I see it as part of my job to inflict R on people who are perfectlyhappy to have never heard of it. Happiness doesn't equal proficient andefficient. In some cases the proficiency of a person serves a greater good thantheir momentary happiness. -- Patrick Burns R-help (April 2005)